Q: What is Will Pryor’s federal tax identification number?
A: 74-2669068
Q: What resources are available at Will Pryor’s offices to accommodate the parties?
A: Will’s conference rooms have either dry erase boards, or flip charts on easels, etc. Powerpoint presenters may utilize our available laptop computer, projector and screen-just bring your presentation on disk. >. If you anticipate needing any special audio/visual equipment or other resources, please let us know. All conference rooms include refrigerators stocked with cold beverages, and the most popular amenity of all is our fabulous Keurig “one fresh cup at a time” coffee maker!
Q: Does Will Pryor mediate family law cases?
A: The short answer is “no”, but he has mediated family law matters under very special circumstances.
Q: What type of background information does Will Pryor like to receive prior to a mediation?
A: Any form of communication prior to the mediation is appropriate. Pre-mediation communication with mediators is often essential to resolution of the dispute. Whether the communication is a phone conference, a written submission, or a meeting, the communication will be treated confidentially. Everything submitted is reviewed in preparation for the mediation. If requested, any or all of the materials are returned at the conclusion of the mediation.
Typically, each side should submit the following, in advance:
- A brief summary of the dispute and your client’s perspective on it (if this is reflected in a trial pleading, motion, or other readily available document, that is all that is needed); and
- A list of any and all persons who will be attending the mediation with you (in the event there is an agreement among counsel to permit any person to participate by phone, please let Will know in advance).